reede, 25. juuli 2014


Viimasel korral Ameerikast naastes oli mul ümber istumine Frankfurdis ning kahe lennu vahel 7 tundi aega. Lennujaamas istumise asemel läksin linna. Kõndisin kesklinnas ning külastasin Geothe maja.

Last time when I returned from US I had to change flights in Frankfurt with 7 hours between the flights. I didn't stay at the airport but went to the city. I visited Goethe's house and strolled around in the city centre. 

Tapeet Goethe majas. Wallpaper at Goethe's house.

Koogivormid Goethe majas. Cake tins at Goethe's house.

2 kommentaari:

Stephanie... ütles ...

Who knew that there would be such cute cake tins at Goethe's house!

Kärt ütles ...

I know! And I think the wallpaper looks also very cute :)