pühapäev, 16. august 2015

Burgundia reisikiri 2


Dijoni lähedal on looduskaitseala la Combe Lavaux-Jean Roland. Internetist oli matkaradade kohta info leidmine üsna võimatu. Kõige lihtsam viis on minna Gevrey-Chambertin'i (läksime bussiga), külastada sealset turismiinfot ning osta matkaraja kaart. Gevrey-Chambertin'ist on matkaraja alguseni paar kilomeetrit.

Close to Dijon there is a nature reserve called la Combe Lavaux-Jean Roland. It was pretty much impossible to find any information about the hiking trails there online. The easiest is to go to Gevrey-Chambertin (we went by bus), visit the tourist info there and buy a map. It's only couple of kilometers from there to the trail. 

Kokku kulus meil matkaraja läbimiseks umbes 3 tundi, suur osa rajast kulgeb meeldivalt puude varjus ning ilusaid vaateid on hulgaliselt. Algus ja lõpp on üsna järskudel nõlvadel, seetõttu on head jalanõud soovitatavad.

It took us about 3 hours to do the trail. Most of the trail is in the shadows of the trees and that's very nice. There are lots of beautiful views. The beginning and end are quite steep, therefore good shoes are recommended. 

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