Mõnikord on nii mõnus nokitseda, mõnikord on lõõgastav mängida klaverit ja mõnikord on lausa rõõm veeta hommikuid ja õhtuid lugedes.
laupäev, 29. august 2015
reede, 28. august 2015
Amsterdam Sail
Eelmisel nädalavahetusel toimus Amsterdamis väidetavalt maailma suurim avalik üritus - Amsterdam Sail. Selleks puhuks sõidavad Amsterdami kokku suured purjelaevad üle maailma, inimesed saavad neid laevu külastada ning toimub kõiksugu muid merendusega seotud üritusi, näitusi ja kontserte. Rahvast oli tõesti meeletult. Allpool mõned fotod.
Last weekend there was one of the biggest events in the world taking place in Amsterdam - Amsterdam Sail. For that lots of tall ships sail to Amsterdam from all over the world. People can visit those ships and there are all kind of sailing-related events, exhibitions and concerts happening all around Amsterdam. Below are some photos.
Last weekend there was one of the biggest events in the world taking place in Amsterdam - Amsterdam Sail. For that lots of tall ships sail to Amsterdam from all over the world. People can visit those ships and there are all kind of sailing-related events, exhibitions and concerts happening all around Amsterdam. Below are some photos.
teisipäev, 25. august 2015
Leheline müts
Ja vahepeal on valminud veel üks müts. Selle õpetuse panen varsti kirja ka. Lõng on Tital Wool Winner (42 g), vardad 3.5 mm ja 4.5 mm.
Edit: õpetus on saadaval siin.
And another hat. I'll soon share the pattern for this hat. I used Titan Wool Winner (42 g), needles are 3.5 mm and 4.5 mm.
Edit: pattern is available here.
esmaspäev, 24. august 2015
Vahelduseks ka käsitööd. See müts on valminud seentega värvitud lõngadest. Beež ja telliskivipunane on verkjas vöödik ning pruun on kübarnarmik. Kõigil peitsiks maarjajää. Lõngaks on Idena Bambino Ull ja vardad 3.5 mm and 4.5 mm. Lõnga kulus 52 grammi.
Finally some knitting in this blog! This hat is made of yarn I've dyed with mushrooms. Beige and brick red are dyed with Cortinarius Semisanguineus, brown is dyed Hydnellum peckii. Everything is mordanted with alum. Yarn is Idena Bambino Ull (52 g) and needles 3.5 mm and 4.5 mm.
laupäev, 22. august 2015
Hollandis on palju vett ja ka palju liiva. Läänerannikul on väga ilus rahvuspark Zuid-Kennemerland. Käisin seal paar nädalat tagasi ja allpool mõned fotod.
There's lot of water in Netherlands, but also a lot of sand. There's very nice national park on Western coast - Zuid-Kennemerland. I visited it couple of weeks ago and below are some photos.
There's lot of water in Netherlands, but also a lot of sand. There's very nice national park on Western coast - Zuid-Kennemerland. I visited it couple of weeks ago and below are some photos.
teisipäev, 18. august 2015
Burgundia reisikiri 3
l'Hotel Dieu |
Dijonist 40 km kaugusel on Beaune - Burgundia mitteametlik veinipealinn. Tegemist on pisikese, kuid armsa linnakesega. Kindlasti tasub külastada l'Hotel Dieu hospiitsi - see tegutses haiglana 15. sajandist kuni 1960. aastani. Lisaks käisime Fallot' sinepivabrikus, kus osalesime tuuril, mille käigus sai ka ise sinepivalmistamises kätt proovida ning lõpuks erinevaid sinepeid maitsta.
Beaune - the unofficial wine capital of Burgundy - is located 40 km South from Dijon. It's small but lovely town. I definitely recommend visiting the old hospice l'Hotel Dieu. It was used as a hospice from 15th century until 1960. In addition we visited Fallot's mustard factory and participated there in a tour. During the tour you can try making the mustard yourself and taste different mustards.
pühapäev, 16. august 2015
Burgundia reisikiri 2
Gevrey-Chambertin |
Dijoni lähedal on looduskaitseala la Combe Lavaux-Jean Roland. Internetist oli matkaradade kohta info leidmine üsna võimatu. Kõige lihtsam viis on minna Gevrey-Chambertin'i (läksime bussiga), külastada sealset turismiinfot ning osta matkaraja kaart. Gevrey-Chambertin'ist on matkaraja alguseni paar kilomeetrit.
Close to Dijon there is a nature reserve called la Combe Lavaux-Jean Roland. It was pretty much impossible to find any information about the hiking trails there online. The easiest is to go to Gevrey-Chambertin (we went by bus), visit the tourist info there and buy a map. It's only couple of kilometers from there to the trail.
Kokku kulus meil matkaraja läbimiseks umbes 3 tundi, suur osa rajast kulgeb meeldivalt puude varjus ning ilusaid vaateid on hulgaliselt. Algus ja lõpp on üsna järskudel nõlvadel, seetõttu on head jalanõud soovitatavad.
It took us about 3 hours to do the trail. Most of the trail is in the shadows of the trees and that's very nice. There are lots of beautiful views. The beginning and end are quite steep, therefore good shoes are recommended.
reede, 14. august 2015
Burgundia reisikiri 1
Puhkuse teine pool möödus Burgundias, täpsemalt Dijonis ja selle ümbruses. Väga mugav oli sõita sinna Zürichist rongiga. Rongipileti hinnad ei ole fikseeritud, seega on tark rongipiletid pigem vara ära osta, sest siis on need odavamad. Tagasi sõitsin rongiga Baselisse ja sealt lendasin edasi Amsterdami. Zürich-Dijon on kiirrongiga ainult 2.5 tundi, Dijon-Basel 1.5 tundi.
Esimesel päeval oli mul kokkulepitud kohtumine kohaliku vabatahtliku giidiga. Tegemist on väga toreda rahvusvahelise programmiga Greeters, kus kohalikud inimesed täiesti tasuta enda kodulinna turistidele tutvustavad. Meie giidiks oli Pierre. Kohtusime Pierre'iga pärastlõunal ning kokkuvõttes veetis ta meiega peaaegu 5 tundi! Pierre andis restoranisoovitusi, veinisoovitusi ning vihjeid, mida veel ette võtta ja kuhu minna. Ta viis meid kirikutesse ja muuseumidesse, tutvustas linna arhitektuuri ning näitas detaile, mida ise ei oskaks tähele panna. Soovitan võimalusel kõigil seda programmi kasutada!
The other half of my vacation was spent in Burgundy, in Dijon and its surroundings. It was very comfortable to take a train there from Zurich. The train tickets are not with fixed price. So the earlier you book them the cheaper they are. On return I took the train to Basel and flew from there to Amsterdam. Zurich-Dijon with high-speed train is only 2.5 hours, Dijon-Basel only 1.5 hours.
For the first day I had arranged a meeting with local greeter. These are volunteer guides who show you their home town for free. Our guide was Pierre. We met him in the afternoon and he spent 5 hours with us! He gave restaurant suggestions, wine suggestions, tips what else to do in the area. He took us to churches and museums, told us about the architecture and showed us some details that we wouldn't have noticed otherwise. I definitely recommend to use this program when you have a chance.
Pärast Pierre'iga kohtumist oli aeg õhtusöögiks. Läksime Pierre'i poolt soovitatud restorani ja järgisime tema poolt soovitatud menüüd, et kohalikust gulinaariast aimu saada. Eelroogadeks teod ja munad veinikastmes, pearoogadeks kohalik kala ning boeuf bourguignon.
After meeting with Pierre it was time for dinner. We went to a restaurant suggested by him and picked the dishes he has recommended to get a grasp of local specialities. Our appetizers were escargots and eggs in wine sauce. Main courses were local fish and boeuf bourguignon.
esmaspäev, 10. august 2015
Seekord oli mul mitu päeva aega, et Zürichis turist olla :) Ma polnud seni käinud ei loomaaias (turismiaktraktsioon nr 1) ega botaanikaaias. Nüüd on mõlemad nähtud. Botaanikaaed on tore, kuid ei eristu teistest millegi erilise poolest. Loomaaias oli minu jaoks elamus vihmamets. Väidetavalt on see maailma suurim tehislik vihmamets. Mulle meeldib idee, et pead puude vahel ringi kõndima ja olema tähelepanelik, et loomi näha. Loomad ja linnud liiguvad seal ringi täiesti vabalt ja ei asu koguaeg samas kohas. Seal on ka täiesti vabalt ringi liikuvad ahvid!
This time I had several days to be a tourist in Zürich. So far I hadn't been to the zoo (tourist attraction no 1) nor to the botanical garden. Now I've seen both. Botanical garden is nice but there's nothing very special there. At the zoo I really liked the rain forest. It's said to be the biggest indoor rain forest in the world. I really like the idea that you walk around and have to pay attention to really see any animals. Birds and animals move around freely there. And they even have quite big apes there!
This time I had several days to be a tourist in Zürich. So far I hadn't been to the zoo (tourist attraction no 1) nor to the botanical garden. Now I've seen both. Botanical garden is nice but there's nothing very special there. At the zoo I really liked the rain forest. It's said to be the biggest indoor rain forest in the world. I really like the idea that you walk around and have to pay attention to really see any animals. Birds and animals move around freely there. And they even have quite big apes there!
Botaanikaaed / Botanical garden:
Loomaaed / zoo
pühapäev, 9. august 2015
Juulikuiste reisimiste jutud jätkuvad - seekord Šveits. Šveitsis on tore vabaõhumuuseum - Ballenberg. Sinna minnes võib julgesti terve päeva ära planeerida.
July travelling posts continue - this time Switzerland. There is really nice open air museum in Switzerland - Ballenberg. You can easily spend a whole day there.
July travelling posts continue - this time Switzerland. There is really nice open air museum in Switzerland - Ballenberg. You can easily spend a whole day there.
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