I'm going to move again in couple of weeks. This time it will be Switzerland. I decided that it's also time to change the way I blog and I created a new one. This blog here will remain as it is but there will be no more posts here. Everything new you can find at k2tog.eu.
Mõnikord on nii mõnus nokitseda, mõnikord on lõõgastav mängida klaverit ja mõnikord on lausa rõõm veeta hommikuid ja õhtuid lugedes.
laupäev, 11. juuni 2016
Uus blogi
Paari nädala pärast kolin taas uude riiki. Seekord on selleks Šveits. Otsustasin oma virtuaalse pesa ka uude kohta kolida. See blogi jääb siia sellisel kujul nagu ta on, kuid kõik uued postitused hakkavad olema aadressil k2tog.eu.
neljapäev, 14. aprill 2016
Külastasin lõpuks Rotterdami. Kui oled moodsa kunsti ja arhitektuuri huviline, siis peaks Rotterdami kindlasti väisama. Mina veetsin seal ainult ühe päeva, kuid tegelikult võib Rotterdamis veeta mitu päeva. Muuseumide hulk Rotterdamis on väga suur. Arhitektuuriliselt erineb ta teistest hollandi linnadest märkimisväärselt. Ülejäänud linnades domineerib vanalinn, Rotterdamis domineerib modernsus.
Finally I visited Rotterdam. If you like modern art and architecture then Rotterdam is a must-visit! I spent there only one day and this is definitely not enough. There is huge number of museums in Rotterdam. Architecturally Rotterdam differs a lot from all the other Dutch cities. In other cities dominates "the old", in Rotterdam it's "the new".
Finally I visited Rotterdam. If you like modern art and architecture then Rotterdam is a must-visit! I spent there only one day and this is definitely not enough. There is huge number of museums in Rotterdam. Architecturally Rotterdam differs a lot from all the other Dutch cities. In other cities dominates "the old", in Rotterdam it's "the new".
Kevad Rotterdami botaaniaaias. Spring at botanical garden |
Kevad Rotterdami botaaniaaias. Spring at botanical garden |
Kevad Rotterdami botaaniaaias. Spring at botanical garden |
laupäev, 9. aprill 2016
Leiden on ülikoolilinn nagu Delft ja Utrecht ning kindlasti väärt külastamist. Vanalinn on väga ilus koos paljude tänavakohvikute ja -restoranidega. Lisaks on Leidenis hulgaliselt muuseume. Mina käisin Naturalise loodusmuuseumis, kus saab näha dinosauruste luid, väga huvitavat fossiilide kollektsiooni ning seal on ka hulgaliselt eksponaate, kus saab ise katsetada ja proovida, kuidas meeled töötavad.
Leiden is university city like Delft and Utrecht and definitely worth visiting. The old town is absolutely beautiful with lots of street cafes and restaurants. In addition there are lots of museums in Leiden. I visited natural history museum Naturalis where you can see dinosaur skeletons, fascinating fossils and try out yourself how your senses operate.
Leideni botaanikaaed on üsna väike, aga armas. Pean siiski ütlema, et Utrechti botaanikaaed meeldib mulle rohkem.
Leiden Botanical Garden is small but lovely. I must say though that I like Utrecht Botanical Garden more.
Kohvikud ja restoranid:
Cafes and restaurants:
neljapäev, 31. märts 2016
Programm "Tutvu Hollandiga" jätkub. Seekord oli sihtpunktiks kuulus portselanikeskus Delft. See sinist ja valget värvi portselan, mis Hollandiga seostub, on pärit just sealt. Delft ise on väga vana ja väga armas linn, mida kindlasti soovitan külastada.
Program "Get to know the Netherlands" continues :). This time the destination was Famouse porcelain town Delft. The white and blue Dutch porcelain comes from there. Delft itself is very old and very lovely town. I definitely recommend visiting it.
Delft asub väga lähedal Haagile ning Haagi rand on üks mu lemmikuid. Päev lõppes õhtusöögiga Scheveningeni rannas.
Delft is very close to The Hague and the beach of The Hague is one of my favorites. The day ended with a dinner at Scheveningen beach.
Program "Get to know the Netherlands" continues :). This time the destination was Famouse porcelain town Delft. The white and blue Dutch porcelain comes from there. Delft itself is very old and very lovely town. I definitely recommend visiting it.
Delft asub väga lähedal Haagile ning Haagi rand on üks mu lemmikuid. Päev lõppes õhtusöögiga Scheveningeni rannas.
Delft is very close to The Hague and the beach of The Hague is one of my favorites. The day ended with a dinner at Scheveningen beach.
teisipäev, 29. märts 2016
Vahelduseks üks lihtne müts
Vahepeal on valmis saanud üks lihtne müts. Põhilõngaks on Phildar Preface ja äär on kootud Cascade Yarns Fingering lõngaga. Vardad olid 3 mm. Selleks, et kirju lõng liiga domineerivaks ei muutuks, kasutasin kanaihu kudet. Tulemusega jäin täitsa rahule.
This is one simple hat featuring different grays. Main yarn is Phildar Preface and brim is knit with Cascade Yarns Fingering. Needles were 3 mm. I didn't want this multicolor yarn to form some unwanted patterns. So I used moss stitch to make it less obvious. I think the end result came out pretty well.
reede, 25. märts 2016
Käisin lõpuks ära kuulsa juustu-nimelises linnas Goudas. Teadmiseks, et seda nime hääldatakse "hauda". Ja "h" sõna alguses on pigem kurguhääl. Goudas endas tegelikult juustu ei toodeta. Juust pärineb ümbruskonna küladest ning Goudas müüakse see lihtsalt turul maha. Varem olen käinud teises Hollandi tuntud juustuturu linnas Alkmaaris. Pean ütlema, et Alkmaar meeldis mulle rohkem. Gouda on kuidagi liiga ilmselgelt ja läbinähtavalt turistidelt raha kätte saamisele orienteerunud. Seega, kui teil on valida, kas Gouda või Alkmaar - valige Alkmaar.
I finally visited famous cheese town Gouda. Funny thing is that in Gouda itself there's no cheese production at all. The cheese comes from surrounding areas and is just sold at the cheese market in Gouda. I've been to another famous cheese market town Alkmaar before. I must say I liked Alkmaar more than Gouda. Gouda is somehow too obviously oriented towards getting money from the tourists. So if you have to make a choice either to visit Gouda or Alkmaar, choose Alkmaar.
esmaspäev, 21. märts 2016
Kroonika mõttes panen siia paar pilti väiksest käigust Saksamaale Bocholti linna. Kord kuus sõidavad mõned hollandi kudujad Bocholti, et sealsete kohalike kudujatega kokku saada ning ühes armsas lõngapoes koos kududa, jutustada ja lihtsalt ennast mõnusalt tunda. Kaks korda olen minagi seal kaasas käinud. Viimasel korral läksin ja jalutasin veidi linnas ringi ning allpool sellest mõned pildid.
Once a month some Dutch knitters drive to Germany to a small town called Bocholt to meet local knitters over there. They gather at a lovely yarn shop, knit and chat together and just spend nice time. I've been going along two times now. Last time I also went for a little walk in the town itself and below are some photos.
Once a month some Dutch knitters drive to Germany to a small town called Bocholt to meet local knitters over there. They gather at a lovely yarn shop, knit and chat together and just spend nice time. I've been going along two times now. Last time I also went for a little walk in the town itself and below are some photos.
kolmapäev, 9. märts 2016
Kevadised heegeldused
Üks tellimustööna valminud sall. Lõngaks on tundmatu villane lõng, mille paar aastat tagasi erinevate looduslike materjalidega kirjuks värvisin. Pildilt ei tule erinevad värvid hästi välja, aga tegelikus elus on erinevad toonid selgemini eristatavad. Heegelkirja võtsin mustrist Pampille. Lõnga kulus 105 grammi ja heegelnõela suuruseks 3 mm.
My mom asked me to make a shawl for her friend. I decided to crochet because that's much quicker. The yarn is some unknown woolen yarn that I dyed several years ago with different natural materials. It's not very clear on the photos how the colors vary. The different hues are much more visible in real life. I used the pattern Pampille. It took 105 grams of yarn and I used hook size 3 mm.
pühapäev, 6. märts 2016
Tviid ja Taanimaa
Eelmisel nädalavahetusel sattusin Kopenhaagenisse ja seal sai muuhulgas üles pildistatud ka mu uus kampsun. Tegemist on ülevalt alla kootud raglaaniga. Ühtegi õpetust ma ei järginud. Kudusin nii nagu vardalt tuli. Lõngaks on Regia Tweed Trend (405 grammi), vardad 4 mm.
Last weekend I was in Copenhagen and among other things had my new sweater photographed. It's a top down raglan. I didn't follow any pattern. It just came out as it came. I used Regia Tweed Trend yarn (405 grams) and 4 mm needles.
Ja kuna Taanimaast oli juba juttu, siis allpool paar klõpsu ka Kopenhaagenist.
And here are some shots of Copenhagen as well.
pühapäev, 21. veebruar 2016
teisipäev, 9. veebruar 2016
Knitting trip to Estonia
As you probably know I'm currently living in The Netherlands but am originally from Estonia. Couple of Dutch knitters gave me an idea to organize a trip to Estonia to take part in Haapsalu Lace Day. So I gave it a little thought and have put together a program.
You can read about it HERE. Also the registration form is there.
You can read about it HERE. Also the registration form is there.
neljapäev, 4. veebruar 2016
Nädalavahetusel viibisin taas Šveitsis ning seekord sai üle vaadatud pisike linnake nimega Einsiedeln. Seal on väga ilus klooster, mille teeb eriliseks, et Maarja kuju on mustanahaline. Kloostris sees kahjuks pilte teha ei lubata, aga see on väga ilus.
I was in Switzerland over the weekend and this time I had a chance to go to a lovely small town Einsiedeln. It is famous for its monastery. Monastery is famous for having black Virgin Mary. It is not allowed to take photos inside but you have to believe me that it's very beautiful.
I was in Switzerland over the weekend and this time I had a chance to go to a lovely small town Einsiedeln. It is famous for its monastery. Monastery is famous for having black Virgin Mary. It is not allowed to take photos inside but you have to believe me that it's very beautiful.
reede, 15. jaanuar 2016
Olen juba mitu aastat koos ühe ameeriklannaga korraldanud Ravelrys rahvusvahelist pakivahetust. Pakivahetus kestab terve aasta, mille jooksul vahetad sama inimesega 4 pakki - ühe igal aastaajal. See annab võimaluse tutvuda uute inimestega ning miks mitte leida endale uus sõber. Registreerimine on avatud jaanuari lõpuni. Kui oled osalemisest huvitatud, siis Ravelry link on siin: http://www.ravelry.com/groups/swap-for-all-seasons-2016
Me and Stephanie from US have organized for several years already one international swap. Sign-ups for 2016 are open until the end of January. The idea is to swap 4 packages (one for each season) with the same person. It gives you a chance to really get to know someone and maybe find a new friend. If you are interested then here is the link to Ravelry group: http://www.ravelry.com/groups/swap-for-all-seasons-2016
Me and Stephanie from US have organized for several years already one international swap. Sign-ups for 2016 are open until the end of January. The idea is to swap 4 packages (one for each season) with the same person. It gives you a chance to really get to know someone and maybe find a new friend. If you are interested then here is the link to Ravelry group: http://www.ravelry.com/groups/swap-for-all-seasons-2016
pühapäev, 3. jaanuar 2016
Kasteel de Haar
Kasteel de Haar is located near Utrecht. It belongs to one very rich family and it was in ruins until 19th century. In its current state the castle was restored in 19th century and it was done in medieval style. They don't allow photography in interior but it's really impressive. You can only imagine how much the architect was enjoying the whole restoration project.
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