Olen juba mitu aastat koos ühe ameeriklannaga korraldanud Ravelrys rahvusvahelist pakivahetust. Pakivahetus kestab terve aasta, mille jooksul vahetad sama inimesega 4 pakki - ühe igal aastaajal. See annab võimaluse tutvuda uute inimestega ning miks mitte leida endale uus sõber. Registreerimine on avatud jaanuari lõpuni. Kui oled osalemisest huvitatud, siis Ravelry link on siin: http://www.ravelry.com/groups/swap-for-all-seasons-2016
Me and Stephanie from US have organized for several years already one international swap. Sign-ups for 2016 are open until the end of January. The idea is to swap 4 packages (one for each season) with the same person. It gives you a chance to really get to know someone and maybe find a new friend. If you are interested then here is the link to Ravelry group: http://www.ravelry.com/groups/swap-for-all-seasons-2016
Mõnikord on nii mõnus nokitseda, mõnikord on lõõgastav mängida klaverit ja mõnikord on lausa rõõm veeta hommikuid ja õhtuid lugedes.
reede, 15. jaanuar 2016
pühapäev, 3. jaanuar 2016
Kasteel de Haar
Kasteel de Haar is located near Utrecht. It belongs to one very rich family and it was in ruins until 19th century. In its current state the castle was restored in 19th century and it was done in medieval style. They don't allow photography in interior but it's really impressive. You can only imagine how much the architect was enjoying the whole restoration project.
laupäev, 2. jaanuar 2016
Liège ja Aachen
Lisaks Maastrichtile külastasin ka Liège'i Belgias ning Aachenit Saksamaal. Mõlemad ilusad vanad linnad.
In addition to Maastricht I also visited Liège in Belgium and Aachen in Germany. Both are beautiful old cities.
Liège. Montagne de Bueren |
Liège. Montagne de Bueren |
Liège. Curtius Museum |
Liège. Église Saint Barthélemy |
Liège. Cathédrale Saint Paul de Liège. |
Liège. Cathédrale Saint Paul de Liège. |
Aachen. Famous printen cookies. Kuulsad printeni küpsised |
Aachen. City hall. Raekoda |
Aachen. City hall. Raekoda |
Aachen. City gates. Linnaväravad. |
Aachen. Cathedral. Katedraal. |
Aachen. Cathedral. Katedraal. |
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