pühapäev, 21. veebruar 2016



Museum De Fundatie

teisipäev, 9. veebruar 2016

Amsterdam. Rijksmuseum

Knitting trip to Estonia

As you probably know I'm currently living in The Netherlands but am originally from Estonia. Couple of Dutch knitters gave me an idea to organize a trip to Estonia to take part in Haapsalu Lace Day. So I gave it a little thought and have put together a program.

You can read about it HERE. Also the registration form is there.

neljapäev, 4. veebruar 2016


Nädalavahetusel viibisin taas Šveitsis ning seekord sai üle vaadatud pisike linnake nimega Einsiedeln. Seal on väga ilus klooster, mille teeb eriliseks, et Maarja kuju on mustanahaline. Kloostris sees kahjuks pilte teha ei lubata, aga see on väga ilus.

I was in Switzerland over the weekend and this time I had a chance to go to a lovely small town Einsiedeln. It is famous for its monastery. Monastery is famous for having black Virgin Mary. It is not allowed to take photos inside but you have to believe me that it's very beautiful.