I got 2 packages from US today. Swap-pal Stephanie had sent me two different packages - one for my birthday and the other one as a swap package. The main theme of packages was beach. Here's what I got:
Kergelt suvine boolero (täiesti paras).
Light shrug for summer (fits very well).
Vahukommid (lõkke peal küpsetamiseks), šokolaad, lehvik (praeguste ilmadega lausa hädavajalik), puuvillane lõng (Patons Grace) bikiinide tegemiseks.
Marsmallows (for baking on a campfire), chocolate, fan (considering the hot weather we are having it's a real must-have), cotton yarn (Patons Grace) for making bikinis.
Kott rannatarvete jaoks, Oregoni kohalik elustiili ajakiri, kuhu Stephanie ise ka ühe artikli on kirjutanud, plätud, romaan "The Help" ning järjehoidja. Peab ütlema, et ajakirjas olevad pildid Oregoni loodusest on täiesti võrratud (reisipisik kogub jõudu).
Bag for carrying all the things one needs at a beach, Oregon local lifestyle magazine in which one Stephanie's article is published (really nice article!), flip-flops, novel "The Help" and bookmark. I must say that nature photos in that magazine are absolutely stunning. Oregon is from now on definitely in my imaginary list of must-visit-places.