neljapäev, 9. jaanuar 2014

Lihtne aga soe sall

Kuna sinakasrohelist lõnga polnud salli jaoks piisavas koguses, kombineerisin seda punasega. Tulemuseks üks lihtne heegeldatud äärega sall. Mõlemad värvitoonid on Shetlandi vill, kokku kulus 111 g, vardad 4.5 mm ja heegelnõel 3 mm.

I didn't have enough teal yarn for the entire shawl, so I combined it with red. Result is a simple shawl with crochet edging. Both colors are Shetland wool, used 111 grams, needles 4.5 mm, hook 3 mm. 

3 kommentaari:

Stephanie... ütles ...

I like the color combination! Very cheerful for a dark winter day!

Kärt ütles ...

I also like how those quite contrasting colors work together!

Kärt ütles ...
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