reede, 27. juuni 2014

Road trip report 1

Hetkel istun San Francisco lennujaamas ja ootan lendu San Diegosse. Möödunud reedel alustasin reisi mööda rannikut San Franciscosse mitmete vahepeatustega teel. Siin on Santa Barbara. Esimesed pildid on Santa Barbara kohtuhoonest, mis on väidetavalt üks Ameerika kaunemaid kohtuhooneid. Ilus on ta tõesti. Kõige üllatavam oli, et neil on eestikeelne maja tutvustav brošüür! Viimasel pildil on La Arcada tänava purskkaev, kus elavad kilpkonnad.

At the moment I'm sitting at San Francisco airport waiting for my flight back to San Diego. Last Friday I started a road trip up to San Francisco with multiple stops on the way. This is Santa Barbara. First photos are about the court house which is said to be the prettiest one in US. It is beautiful indeed. I was really surprised that they have leaflet about the house in Estonian! Last photo is taken on La Arcada street - this fountain has turtles living in it. 

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