See pisike sall on minuga käinud kaasas mitmetes kohtades - lihtne heegeldamistöö, mida teha kohtades, kus pole kõige mugavam juhendeid ja muud säärast jälgida. Alguse sai see sall tagasilennul Tolyattist. Mul oli kotis lõng ja heegelnõel, aga mitte ühtegi heegeldamisskeemi. Hakkasin lihtsalt heegeldama ja see ringimotiiv, mis nõelast välja tuli, tundus tore. Hiljem on see sall käinud veel laulupeol, Hiiumaal ja Viinistul. Paras pisike sall, mida kaelakee asemel kanda.
Lõng: Austermann Pharao, 130 g
Heegelnõel: 2,5 mm
This small shawlette has been to several places with me - it's simple crochet project that can be done in places where it's not convinient to read charts or instructions. I began this shawlette on my flight back from Tolyatti. I had yarn and hook in my bag but no crochet patterns. So I just started to crochet and I liked this circular motif that came out. Later this shawlette has been to song festival, Hiiumaa and Viinistu. It's small and cute and I think it could be worn instead of necklaces.
Yarn: Austermann Pharao, 130 g
Hook: 2.5 mm
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