This is the first skirt I've ever knit. The picture is taken inside without enough light. I'll try to get better pictures soon.
Muster: Drops 118-15
Lõng: Nitarna Poly, 250 g
Vardad, heegelnõel: 3 mm
Pattern: Drops 118-15
Yarn: Nitarna Poly, 250 g
Needles, hook: 3 mm
Muutsin mustrit sellega, et heegeldasin alläärde pitsi. Nii tundus kihvtim ja ka paremini hoidev, kui all mingi raskus on.
I modified the pattern so that I crocheted lace to the bottom line. I like it better that way and also it drapes better that way.
Uuele ilmakodanikule tegin kampsuni:
I made a cardie for one newborn:
Muster: May Baby Sweater (Ravelry link)
Lõng: Novita Tiina, 54 grammi
Vardad: 5 mm
Tõeliselt kiire kudumine! Paar tundi ja valmis. Mustrit muutsin nii, et jätsin õhksilmused kudumata ja sobivasse kohta tegin nööpaugu.
Pattern: May Baby Sweater (Ravelry link)
Yarn: Novita Tiina, 54 g
Needles: 5 mm
Really fast knit took only couple of hours. I modified the pattern a bit. I didn't knit yarnovers and made the button hole.
2 kommentaari:
I love the skirt. you did a fabulous job.
Thank you Stephanie. I like my skirt also. Can't wait to get better pictures.
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