Kudusin ühele peagi saabuvale ilmakodanikule väikese vankriteki.
Soon one little person will arrive to this world. For this important event I knit a little baby blanket.
Ja lähivaade:
And close-up:
Tehnilised andmed ka:
Muster: Heavenly Baby Blanket
Vardad: 4 mm
Lõng: Novita Jasmin, 2 tokki ehk 200 g
Pattern: Heavenly Baby Blanket
Needles: 4 mm
Yarn: Novita Jasmin, 200 g
Mu katuseterrassil on tärkamas kevad.
Spring is bursting out on my roof terrace:
2 kommentaari:
What a lucky little baby! When is he/she due?
Glad spring is finally arriving. The daffodils are blooming here. What are the seedlings in the bowl?
The baby will be a summer child. We are having extraordinarily warm weather right now. Temperature is more than 70 F right now and it's really sunny. I put several herb seeds to the bowl so I'm not sure what exactly are those that have come out.
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