I needed one little bag where to keep my wallet and phone. This crochet pattern had caught my eye long time ago on different photos on Internet. Here's what I came up with:
Mustri tegin nähtud piltide järgi.
Heegelnõel: 3 mm
Lõngad: Helesinine Austermann Pharao kahekordsena (umbes 20 g), kahte sorti beež Madame Tricote Camilla (kokku umbes 35 g)
I figured out the pattern from the pictures
Hook: 3 mm
Yarn: light blue Austermann Pharao held double (ca 20 g), two types of beiges of Madam Tricote Camilla (ca 35 g)
A close view also. I like the pattern so much that I plan to make a top for myself using the same pattern.
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